Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Finished the year off with an Auger

We rang in the new year with a patched roof and a toilet and shower that was NOT over flowing with sewage! I'd say two very good things.

Hiatt Roofing to the Rescue

My uncle come over and assessed our roof leak over the garage (did you know our roof was leaking? well, it is). He patched up what he could, but the truth is, the roof just needs to be replaced. But at least now we have the roof measured and can get a better idea of how much that will cost. Thanks again, Don!

Happy Auger

About an hour before we left for church on the last Saturday service of the year, one wrong flush changed the course of the evening. Not only did the toilet start to flood, but the shower started to fill up as well. Yuck.  We had noticed that our water pressure in the toilet had been decreasing, but did not realize how severe the problem was. 
After using the snake we had, with the toilet in place, and no luck in getting everything draining again, we had to take the toilet off (I use "we" very lightly...I was at church with the kids...the hubby was doing all this). Later in the evening when we were actually a we again, I inserted the more heavy duty snake that had been purchased, while the hubby crawled under the house and followed the plumbing line. Again, nothing was moving. The bathroom was flooded, wet vacs were filled and filled again. Yuck. Really, REALLY yuck.
About an hour before the rental place closed, we finally decided we needed to bring in the big guns...an automatic auger, that is. 

One simple run with this thing and everything was returned to normalcy. Hooray! Of course there was still the matter of cleaning everything. Yuck.


Of course we had more adventures when trying to place the toilet back on its rightful place. Nothing went right. But that's just how it goes - as we have learned in almost one year of home ownership. 

Wow. One year. Craziness. Yes, that is how I would describe it.