Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Let's see....

Where were we...fumigation, check. Move back in, check. Install curtains in master bedroom, check. Fix dishwasher, check. Use razor blade to scrape off years of hand grime on stair banister, check. Buy the wrong size blinds for kitchen windows, check.
Okay, so things are progressing, but slowly. It is very difficult to accomplish the larger tasks while Sam is in school and I am working. It looks like it will be another couple weeks before we can install our bathtub in the upstairs bathroom. And I hope to have time this week to finish buying and installing ceiling fans and a dining room light.
If we were paying someone to do all these projects, of course we could have them all done in a week. But since we want to save on those costs, well, we pay by waiting and inconvenience. But it keeps us honest - you know - hard work, don't get too comfortable, going crazy.
In March we plan to pick out the baseboards and trim and install that upstairs as well. I hope March will be a month that we see big changes.
And speaking of big changes...I turn 30 on March 8th. Pretty excited!
Love you all!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Circus Tent


Besides tenting the house and getting to stay a weekend at my parent's house, we also got a new camera! And just in time. As I turned on Taryn's camera to take a picture of the new one this morning, it said, "Battery Exhausted" (I can relate). So, thanks Taryn! Hope you can find your charger!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


A huge "thank you" needs to be sent out to my Uncle Kurt this week. We now have lights up in the upstairs (and the rest of our lights work downstairs) because of the work he did. Basically things were pretty dangerous. I thank God that we are all safe with all the damage the electricity was doing.
My dad also helped us out by coming over and fixing some of the hardwood sections upstairs that were popping up. A little finishing nail, a little tap tap, and some wood putty. I think they will be my friends.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New Adventures

This past week or few days or couple hours (whose keeping track?) I was able to add a few homey touches to our house. Curtains! The living room looks so much more welcoming than with a sheet covering the two large windows. :) I felt so grown up hanging them up.
I also purchased a ceiling fan and hall light for upstairs. We have to defer until Uncle Kurt can come work his magic since the electrical issues keep piling up in this house. In the last few days the laundry room light, the popcorn hallway light and the study light have been flickering. It is like morris code. Well, it WAS like that until today when they all three won't turn on. The garage light and the upstairs bathroom light have also gone ca-put. Boo. We are running out of working lights! Sam checked the circuit breakers and things look a little sizzled.
Besides our electrical issues and curtains, Sam and the boys chopped down the mass of overgrowth that was back there. We literally had a compost back there under all the bushes. It was nice to get that all cleaned up and cut down.
I scrubbed the upstairs bathroom and made that usable. Power saws just laying on the ground - probably was not the best idea for the kids. :) By doing this, it also freed up more space in the downstairs bathroom. We can put all our toiletries upstairs - well, for the most part anyway.
The big bummer of the week was finding that the dust and dirt I kept stepping on in our bedroom in the dark was not that, but termite droppings. So we had two estimates today and hope to get that squared away in the next couple weeks.
The other homey touch (and it could probably be considered a safety issue as well) I accomplished today was putting up new electrical outlet covers throughout the whole house. We still have to change out a few of the plugs themselves (what are those called again?) as well as all the light switches and covers. I bought everything, but we can't do any electrical until we know it's safe. Hopefully by Saturday we will have more functioning lights and new switches by next week! :)
OKay, that's it for now!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I need a Break

Haha...Last weekend we got more settled upstairs. The boys are in their room and Rachel and Sam and I are in our big room. Sam has his office space more to himself and the garage is more organized.
Thanks Mom for helping me finish moving stuff upstairs. Thank you Greg for installing our new garbage disposal!
Thank you Sam for getting one of the trap doors in place up in the boy's room and all your hard work around this place.