Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thursday Update

We have slept in our new home two nights now. AND Rachel officially slept through the night last night. Could be the start of a beautiful thing. :)

In other news, the upstairs floors are done! We get to move up there this weekend - as long as we can patch up the holes in the walls of the boy's room and get the bathroom in a safe enough state (maybe just lock that door).

Taryn, Aimee, and Aaron were my heroes helping me to move most of our belongings over. We just have a few more items. Phew!

We are all sleeping in the downstairs study - nothing like a family of 5 in one room. Hey! At least we can all fit in there! :)

One bummer is that my last working camera broke! So Taryn is lending me hers. When I get internet access at the new place I will upload the photos and you will see the great progress!

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